The Devil and Robert Johnson
24"x 48" acrylic on canvas
C. Earnhart 1997
Sather collection

Detail of the above painting, a more animated version of the drawing style carried over to the Leadbelly painting. Warner Brothers cubism with hot rod flames that make me cringe a little seeing them now.

A sketch for the never-started second painting, The Ascent of Blind Willie Johnson. A second version was also drawn with the Rev. Gary Davis in Johnson's place.
Howlin' Wolf and Muddy Waters led me to listening to a lot of folk blues all through out the 90's. I haven't really listened much in the last ten years or so but here are a few that are still favorites of mine...
I Got Mine - Frank Stokes
Love in Vain Blues - Robert Johnson
Death Letter - Son House
Paul and Silas in Jail - Washington Phillips
Lord, I Just Can't Keep From Cryin' - Blind Willie Johnson
New Orleans Streamline - Booker White
Stack O'Lee Blues - Mississippi John Hurt
Tupelo Blues - John Lee Hooker
Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues - Skip James
I Heard the Angels Singing - Rev Gary Davis
Where Did You Sleep Last Night? - Leadbelly